€444,00 EUR

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The Magdalene Codes

2 weeks with the Red rose codes:  

  • Activated wild woman sensuality, passion and power  
  • Sacred sexuality
  • Activated Eros

Two weeks with Pink rose codes:  

  • Activated Medicine woman  
  • Divine union  
  • Divine service  
  • Feminine ancestry  
  • Elemental wisdom  

Two weeks with White rose codes:  

  • Activated Christed woman
  • Quantum leap into Soverinity
  • Gnostic oracular knowing
  • The priestess way
  • Reclaim your legacy

6 weeks journey With  

  • Meditations and activations  
  • Videos  
  • Audios  
  • PDF’s  
  • 4 live sessions in zoom  
  • Private sisterhood group